Tuesday, June 4, 2019

There once was a good king choosing an heir

There once was a good king who wanted to ensure that there was an heir to his kingdom. He didn't have any children, and he was growing old. But being a democratic type, a kind of egalitarian, he decided that he would invite anybody who was interested in the job to come to the kingdom. in order to really make it equal, before they were to come up and be interviewed for the job, he provided an amazing wardrobe room for everyone to choose from. Everyone could wear whatever they wanted to wear; no one was going to be shown up as less than someone else; they could appear as their best.
So the great day arrived, and a huge stream of people came through the gates, excited by the idea of being king or queen. The king and his minister were waiting patiently in the upper chambers as people first enjoyed the bathhouses, then enjoyed special perfumes if they chose, then the dress and the jewelry. Of course, the king didn't want them to go hungry as they waited, so they were graciously supplied: all the food that they might like. All the people were milling around, flirting, admiring themselves, and also criticizing. And again, the king didn't want them to go bored, so they were also enjoying puzzles, games, and so on.

Hours went by. The king and the minister wondered why no one came up. They could hear the sound of people having fun, fighting and playing and the whole deal.

Finally, it got quiet. The king sent the minister down. When he came back, he reported that sadly, everyone had left - and they had taken the remainder of the food, the clothing, and the jewelry. They were full, they were tired, and they forgot why they came.


This is a story about us. Every day - maybe every hour. We forget why we're really here. But every moment is an opportunity to ask ourselves and remember.


- from a talk by Tara Brach, "Realizing Your Deepest Intention", dharmaseed.org