Wednesday, October 2, 2019

"America in One Room" study has vital clues to healing our democracy

This study highlights vital information about politics in our country today:…/…/america-one-room-experiment.html - study shows that polarized Americans moderate their views after a weekend of information and discussion with people of other views.…/these-526-voters-represent-americ… - the same study, highlighting how discussions built trust in democracy and empathy.

Having studied civics education in U.S. high schools and its various effects on how people interact with democracy as adults, I can see how these studies point towards useful, healing ideas. Starting at a young age, we can empower classrooms to hold thoughtful discussion with complex issues and compromise-heavy decision-making as a model for a healthy democratic society. As we grow into adults, we can strengthen our skepticism-muscle for sound-bite media, quick-fixes, and vilification of the "other side". As creators, customers, and citizens, we can work towards healthier and more ethical products in media, entertainment, and technology - leveraging our dollars, our labor, our vote, activism, lobbying, nonprofit missions, word-of-mouth, and many kinds of financial, political, and social pressure.

Are you worried about the damage of divided, antagonistic politics? Then wading out of the deep end of our sound-bite-driven media is likely part of the solution. The shore may seem far away, but the only way to get there is to turn in the right direction, keep our heads above water, and keep going.